November 21st, 2020. First updated.
Google Mail
- When you need to search something but don't want to get distracted by your inbox:{keyword to search for}
Google forms
- /viewform to fill in
- /viewanalytics to see responses
- /edit
Google sheet
- /copy
- /export?format=[one_of_the_option_below]
possible formats: xlsx|csv|tsv|pdf|zip|ods
Google docs
- Go to to create a new Doc
- /edit
- /create
- /copy
- /preview
- /export?format=[one_of_the_option_below]
possible formats: docx|pdf|txt|zip|epub|rtf|odt
Zoom (on OSX)
- Copy chat: select all, drag it to a text editor
- Sometimes it allows you to "save chat" by right clicking on the chat area. Free vs paid plans? Webinar x conference call?
Google Meet
- You can activate caption by going to Settings
- Save a thread without replying to the tweet: go to[TWEET_ID].html
Google chrome
- Cycling through open tabs
Method 1: cmd + shift + [ or ]
Method 2: cmd + option + arrow
- cmd + N for new window
- cmd + T for new tab
- cmd + click link to open in background tab
- cmd + shift + N for incognito window (bye bye's and news sites' paywall)
- cmd + shift + T to reopen last closed tabs
- cmd + option + I for developer tools
Any app on OSX
- cmd + M to minimise
- cmd + ` to cycle through different windows of the app
- cmd + tab cycle through different apps, forward
- cmd + tab + shift cycle through different apps, backward
- open emoji selector: cmd + option + space
- on text editors: highlight text, then cmd + K to add link to the highlighted text
Originally published on Proses.ID and
About this series (Weaving Workflow for Knowledge Workers)
I’m a workflow nerd. I love finding ways to work more efficiently in different tools and apps. In this series I will share different shortcuts, tips, and tricks to have smooth workflow.
About this publication
Be sure to check back on Tuesday and Thursdays for updated links as the series go.
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Good conversations are rare these days but we often forget that we can create them. So go and share this with friends and colleagues who would find this useful to spark meaningful discussions and generate shared experience.