#12 - Eight simple steps to manage your attention, motivation, and productivity when working remotely
You don't need to learn any other thing about productivity. I promise.
Identify your Most Important Task(s) for that day. Have maximum of 2, that require at most 6 hours of deep work.
Do those first. Two reasons: 1) Everything else will seem so easy after that and 2) Even if you failed to do everything else, the day is a success.
if not possible (e.g. you do your deep work best early in the morning or late at night), then block out a time to do them.
Set expectations during those time: with co workers, with people you live with. Put on head phone, close the “door” or access to any space you have.
Put. your. phone. away. And anything that might distract you. You can use different browser for your work research versus for non-work browsing. You could also use browser extensions and apps that help you focus and block distractions if needed.
Use the productivity triangle.
Divide your list of tasks into two buckets: Single player vs multi player. Solitary vs collaborative. Then chunk your working slots accordingly.
That means you need to have a list of tasks clearly defined somewhere :)
#1 to #2 handle Motivation
#3 to #5 enable Attention
#6 to #8 allow Productivity
And finally: Experiment, practice, be patient. It does take time to get good and find your groove. Train that muscle.
Originally published in Proses.ID and Medium.com
About Work Smarter and Level Up in Your Career as a Tech Worker
Hi there! I created this publication to explore the different skill-sets we can pick up to better navigate the non-technical aspects of Tech.
You will find this publication most useful if you are at that point in your career where you're asking yourself "what's next?".
Usually this means you are 2-3 years into your career in Tech. You have gained enough hard skills, technical know-hows, and confidence to perform your role steadily.
You know what you're doing and are looking to level up and play the bigger game. If that resonates, you’ll find the ideas here valuable.
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